Tuesday 20 October 2009

Issue Two.

At the weekend, I saw Simon Stephen's play 'Punk Rock' at the Exchange Theatre, Manchester. I thought the play was performed brilliantly and the quality writing dealt with some real and relevant issues. However, my only disappointment was the final issue that came forth to round up the play was one that has been seen before. Whereas, there was one issue in the play that was touched on but that was never followed through. This was the issue of 'text' bullying.
Cyber bullying can take place in many different electronic arenas, such as via e-mail, text messages, voice mail messages, social networking sites, video and blog sites. Cyber bullying does not just affect 'kids' either, adults are also targeted, and it is common for the victim to know the perpetrator, be it through school, college, work or their neighborhood. For my research into magazine design and experimental zines, I want to incorporate taboo subjects, such as that of cyber bullying, to raise awareness and push the boundaries of the design of fashion and lifestyle magazines.
'Taboo; a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding associations with a particular person, place, or thing.'
For example, in 2008 it was publicized that the "British public gives more money to a Devon-based donkey sanctuary than the most prominent charities trying to combat violence and abuse against women." Robert Booth, The Guardian, Wed. 23rd April 2008.
"Violence against women appears regularly as the subject of media reports and in the story lines of soap operas but rarely does it come up in normal conversation, which suggests there is a stigma around it. The truth is it is very common." Justine Jarvinen.
Domestic violence is considered a taboo, something that is non of our business, we don't want to pry into people's personal affairs, but domestic violence is real, just as real as cyber bullying! Taboos like domestic abuse and cyber bullying are the elephants in the room.
'The Elephant in the Room; an important and obvious topic, which everyone present is aware of, but which isn't discussed, as such discussion is considered to be uncomfortable.'
I think it is about time we got uncomfortable.

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