Wednesday 9 December 2009

The Text to Image Issue

The text to image brief asked us to take a quote that evoked a feeling or that strongly related to our practice and represent the text using image(s).
I chose a quote regarding the work of Irving Penn:
"His work reveals to us what has always been there in front of our eyes - only unseen, unnoticed, uncomprehended."
I chose to represent the quote using a sequence of images that would reveal something everyday, something ordinary, something ignored. I have tried to capture the essence of Penn's work in the style and use of black & white imagery. I also wanted to add an extra element to emphasize the meaning behind the piece, i.e. the quote, and make the piece my personal response to Penn's work. This took the form of a flick book, which zoomed out to reveal a radiator valve; an ordinary, everyday object that is "unseen, unnoticed, uncomprehended".

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