Friday 13 November 2009

A Dilemma

Magma Books, 22 Oldham Street, Manchester, M1 1JN

I love books, I love artist books, and I love magazines. I also love visiting specialist book and magazine stores. I love it... and I hate it.
I love it because you are confronted with a huge array of creative outlets, often from all over the world. But this is also why I hate it because it leaves me with the dilemma of which one to buy. I experience first hand our mass consumerist culture and market saturation. Which one do I pick, most are of a similar format; portrait, rectangular, just larger an A4, most are of a similar price; around £5 - £6, and most contain, on the face of it, similar content.
So do I go for one that breaks the mould slightly by being more creative with the format; Tank uses a larger format and is ring bound; FreeStyle is circular and comes in a frisbee. Or do I judge the book by its cover and go for the one with a famous model, or actress on the front. The one thats profiling my favorite designer maybe? Maybe I should spend more time investigating the content to help me decide, however, I would be there all day!
In the end I go for the one with the frisbee; its creative, innovative, fun, different, and a welcome break from the norm.

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